Black Dog Traction Footpegs: Ergonomics at Its Best

Traction footpegs mounted on the Ducati Desert X for a better riding position.

Ergonomics on a motorcycle is crucial for long-distance comfort. I would even say it’s more important when it comes to adventure riding! Why? Mainly because the adventure motorcyclist spends a lot of time standing in trails and technical sections. Let me explain how the Black Dog Traction footpegs have changed my riding style.

black dog traction footpegs
The Black Dog Traction footpegs are much wider and offer much better support when standing.

Let’s Start With Ergonomics

Unless you’re lucky, it’s rare to have ideal ergonomics for your bike with the handlebars, seat, and pedals fitting you perfectly. Generally, adjustments are needed to improve the riding position. Some bikes have interesting basic adjustments, like two seat positions, clutch and brake lever adjustments, or the ability to rotate the handlebars back and forth. What if, even with the basic adjustments, you don’t feel perfectly comfortable or in control? In this case, you need to look towards aftermarket parts suppliers.

What Is the Goal?

In my particular case, the main problem on the Ducati Desert X was not having handlebars high enough when riding standing up. So, why change the footpegs if the handlebars were the problem? By raising the handlebars and installing permanent risers, the standing riding position would be ideal. However, as soon as I sit down, I end up riding with “ape hangers” with the handlebars now too high. On long stretches on the highway, this forward position is uncomfortable and unnatural. So, how do you gain height without raising the handlebars? By lowering the footpegs, the perfect combination can be achieved.

The Solution? The Black Dog Traction Footpegs

First, this kit is distinguished by being 1/2 inch lower than the original footpegs. In reality, after careful measurement, the difference is closer to 9/16 inches.

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The height at the original footpegs on the centre stand is 14 5/8 inches.
The height at the Black Dog footpegs on the centre stand is 14 inches. A gain of 9/16 inches compared to the advertised 1/2 inch.

Second, the surface of the Traction footpegs is much larger. This offers increased support and less pressure on the feet. The wide spacing of the open structure also allows good mud clearance from the footpegs.

Third, Black Dog uses aircraft-grade aluminum for its footpegs. They are therefore very strong and lightweight.

333 g for the original footpegs on the Ducati Desert X.
black dog traction footpegs on a scale showing a weight of 200g
200 g for the Black Dog Traction footpegs on the Ducati Desert X.

Fourth, when purchasing the Traction footpegs, an extra set of screws comes in the package. For those who want even more grip, these screws act like small nails on your boots.

Standing Position Test of the Traction Footpegs

The addition of the Traction footpegs is immediately noticeable from the first sections in a standing position. FINALLY, no more riding in an uncomfortable position with bent knees and back. You can now spend long periods standing without getting too tired. Moreover, since the footpegs are wider, less pressure is applied to a small portion of the feet.

Sitting Position Test

On top of the handlebar height remaining the same, the knees are now also less cramped and more relaxed due to the lower footpegs. That said, I would have had more legroom and the arms don’t stretch as much as if I had installed handlebar risers.

Is There Anything to Report?

On the downside, there are two small things to share. By lowering the Traction footpegs, I noticed that the left boot touches the side stand when I place my feet really far back. It’s nothing to worry about, but you can feel its presence.

You can see the boot making contact with the side stand.

Let’s talk about the price. At USD 259, it’s not necessarily an economical purchase. However, consider that the models for sale on Aliexpress are probably less expensive. That said, these models do not offer lowered footpegs. Will you risk your safety on unknown quality or origin? Will you risk losing control if a footpeg breaks during a rough landing? I also invite you to support a North American producer! It will benefit us in the long run.

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A Little Humorous Addition

The folks at Black Dog have added, beneath the Traction foot pegs, an integrated bottle opener. Who doesn’t need this gadget after a long day on the trail? An essential survival kit to have. 😉

The famous bottle opener integrated into the black dog traction footpegs
The famous bottle opener integrated into the pedals.

In Conclusion

I recommend the Traction foot pegs to anyone seeking maximum comfort and the best possible control of their motorcycle. It’s a quality product that offers benefits in both seated and standing riding. The best of both worlds, right?


  • Lightweight.
  • Better foot support during extended standing riding.
  • Option to add the included screw kit at purchase to add even more grip to the pedals.
  • Pedals are 9/16 inches lower than the originals.
  • Easier on the knees; the riding position is less cramped.
  • With longer pedals, feet seem to have more leverage to change the direction of the bike in tougher sections.

Things to Watch Out for:

  • With the pedals being lower, it’s possible for the heel to touch the side stand in the high position with large adventure-type boots.
  • The price is a bit high, although the product quality reflects the stated amount.

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